

Monday, March 5, 2012


The very worn out original below and remake above.
Ahhh yes Rocky IV we meet again. Considered by many to be the best of the Rockys, not by me, the first Rocky is still king in my book. however I would dare say it holds solid second in my book. This design was inspired by the exploding gloves in the films title sequence.

I was watching this film again recently on the Netflix and It made me realize that at least a good 35% of this movie is made up of montages. It's amazing how quick the actual story flies by, really watch it again, if you cut out all the montage and the opening sequence that was from the end of Rocky III the movies at most an hour long maybe shorter. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I actually kind of admire this movie for it's simplicity. What's the story you say? Rock fucks Russia's shit up.

This is bullshit I cannot loose
The Russian Ivan Drago kill Rocky's best friend Apollo Creed, so what does Rocky do? He flies to Russia to knock that bastard and communism the fuck out. That's really all there is to it, basically a 91 minuet excuse for emotional charged training sequences and bad cold war metaphors, but god damn if it ain't glorious.

1 comment:

  1. Cj Its your brother Mikey I need your Email and my phone is broken this seems like a legit way to ask you for it! Need to send you some stuff about mom and your Facebook does not exist for me just Email me at Mccolace@aol.com when you see this it is important
